One of the biggest challenges I face as a freelance photographer is studio space. Let's be frank its expensive. So, what do you do when you can't afford studio time or don't have a space of your own?
You turn to the tale as old as time, #fakeittillyoumakeit ! But what does that even look like when you have 2 dogs and a studio apartment in Brooklyn? Let me offer you a few tips on creating a quick, easy and most importantly AFFORDABLE studio setup.
ONE - Backdrops
A good place to start is a backdrop. Adding color and texture helps to create dimension and a more distinguished look. In some of my favorite shoots I found fabrics in thrift shops for under 3 dollars.
Also, try utilizing curtains you already have on hand, scrap fabric shops, thrift shops or even hardware stores (painters drop cloth!)
Seek out different textures and patterns. I have hung items on walls using thumbtacks, tape etc. If you are looking for a temporary affordable stand you can find some online that won't hurt your wallet too much !
TWO - Accessorize
If you are looking to add in a few key elements you can throw in a chair or a stool. These are items I always have on hand. Naturally, I'm an eclectic collector so I have interesting items lying around that I can throw in.
Try objects out! Glass bottles - these are great for shooting through
Disco ball/mirrored objects - interacts really well with light!
Colorful objects - having a colorful object slightly out of focus in the background adds extra dimension to the photo.
So how can you utilize a small space?
Get High . But really, try shooting down from a higher angle.
Get low. Try laying on the ground and shooting upwards. *TIP have your subject lean towards the camera, while you're shooting from a lower angle
Don’t count out your outdoor space, if the lighting is right this can make for a great shot as well.
You do not have to be a photographer to try these tips out. If you're looking to get a stellar shot for your gram, or your business. Step in front of your phone and test it out!
And Lastly, I would like to show off my S.T.A.R. Breakdown ( situation, task, action result) for this scenario. I recently had a test shoot with Elizabeth.hernly and needed to create a quick and affordable setup . check it out
SITUATION / TASK I needed to create a studio set for this test shoot but didn't have the space or the funds to rent out a space.
I built out a quick and portable studio in my outdoor space
These beautiful photos
check out the full transformation on TikTok
Would you like to have an outdoor studio shoot of your very own?
Do these two very simple things.
1.Be sure to follow me on instagram.
3.shoot me a DM sharing with me your craziest #fakeittillyoumakeit story.